Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm boring

So my life is pretty boring right now. Nevertheless, on the advice of my mother I took a few pictures today of normal sites here on base. I'd post one right now, but I forgot my camara. So hopefully tomorrow I'll be on the ball and post a picture.
Other than that, I actually stayed busy this morning, and my new site leader (boss guy) showed up today, so I had to try and act busy all day. Tougher than it sounds.
That's it, that's my life. If anyone went to Moab, please tell me your tales.


Anonymous said...

my latest favorite place to live: asheville, NC. i know it's on all the "hot" lists, but it looks cool. want to come check it out with us sometime? lots of biking and hiking...

Anonymous said...

Mother's are good people to listen to no matter how old you are. Believe me, you'll thank me someday for the beautiful (well...OK, maybe not so beautiful) memories of your time there.
Love ya!