Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I had a Chinook once...

The only really interesting thing today was seeing a Chinook helicopter, followed by an Apache. He was landing at the hospital - I was told that they only use those guys when things are really messed up.
For those unfamiliar with helicopters, a Chinook is a huge twin rotar helicopter. Thing could probably fit a normal helicopter inside it. I know it can fit humvees inside.
Oh, did I mention that the other day I was on top of our bunker, and got buzzed by an Apache? It was pretty sweet. I hear a copter, and all of a sudden I look up, and the thing is moving fast about 20 yards right over my head. It was way cool. That's all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you had a chinook once what happened to it? Did the doctor cut it off?