Tuesday, April 18, 2006

4 weeks

I didn't get to write yesterday, due to the fact that I had to stay at work until 2AM, and that there was a crazy rain storm going on when I did leave. It was comparable to a Texas Thunderstorm, only no thunder. Just lots of lightning. I'm not sure how that works. Maybe Iraqi lightning isn't fast enough for thunder...
But!!! Good news. I found out that I'll be headed home in 4 weeks instead of 8. I'm excited about this. It's a lot less $$, but I'm good on money, plus I still have 3 paychecks coming... So I'll be good to go.
I should be leaving about mid-May. Then I may or may not travel a little on my way home - I'd like to, but it's not quite that easy... Hopefully. Oh, and I just checked a book out from the base library. I know it's about Carnegie and the Steel Strikes like a 100 years ago, but what drew my attention was the title, See you in Hell. Sounds interesting.


Anonymous said...

um in this case, wouldn't the lightening be too FAST for thunder?

Anonymous said...

Yeah April (snow) shower's bring May Ry Ry's!! I'm excited for you to get back. Yes it snowed here this week. This weather has to go. It should be just right by the time you get back. Good to here that you will back sooner.

Anonymous said...

The middle of May sounds alot better than June. We miss the Ry-guy here in Texas (sounds like your roommate will be heartbroken to have you move on though). We just might need to find you some more books to read too.
Love ya, Mama