Sunday, April 30, 2006


The most exciting part of the day was listening to a talk in church. I know. I too was shocked by the thought. It wasn't even that good of a talk. But it was given by an Iraqi from Baghdad who joined the church in Jordan several years ago. It was pretty sweet to listen to his story - at one point he was imprisoned for having a Book of Mormon and stuff. Probably the first Iraqi member of the church, at least living in Iraq.
Other than that, I just finished reading the first 3 books of the Belgariad by David Eddings. Kinda like the Lord of the Rings, only there's 5 books instead of 3. I read the first 3 in 3 days, but I think I'll have to wait and find the last two back in the states. Definitely good, though I couldn't say it compares in quality to LOTR.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Dirty Bird

So a couple times a week I try to get a work out by jumping rope and hitting a heavy bag we have in our compound. Tonight I was going to do so, when a bird came in and starting pooping on the floor and causing a ruckus. He wouldn't leave! I yelled at it, I swatted at it, I even kicked at it, and the thing wouldn't get out. I didn't feel good about killing a bird so I could get a work out in, so I left. Bird 1, Ryan 0.
Dirty Bird.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Connect 4

4 days in a row of nearby attacks. Getting kinda old. Really old.
But, good news, today was pay day. That's about the end of the good news. Just about the end of the news period.
So since nothing is going on..., the 'anti-mortar' weapon is actually an older weapon they use on Cruisers and Destroyers in the Navy to shoot down enemy missiles and rockets and bombs and kamikazies (if there still were some). The Navy upgraded to some super good one, and the pentagon had a bunch laying around. They tested them against mortar fire, which is Way slower than a missile, and it worked. So they sent them out here. They test them every once in a while, which is kinda like fireworks. Anyway, they don't usually use them when we're being attacked, begging the question, 'Why do we have them?' I figure it's in case we attack some Persian country with anthrax loaded scuds, but that's just me.
Anyway, happy Friday. I'm pretty sure this is a good weekend for Zion National Park. Unless your a commie. Or a socialist.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Odin's Raven

So yesterday and today they attacked our base, right when I was getting back from dinner. Yesterday we were actually driving back, and heard the siren (but they didn't play the entire alarm sound clip) so we just kept driving back, just like everyone else on the road. We get back to our area, and yeah, it hit right there.
Today it wasn't as close, but once they shot the 'anti-mortar' gun, which I've actually never heard them use in a real situation before, so that was cool.
Oh, and I finished my book on Carnegie. Very interesting stuff. I didn't realize how involved the man was in setting up our country for world economic power. Very interesting stuff.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

slowest. day. ever.

Today was a nice, bright, sunshiny day, until some storms came rolling in and made a mess of everything. I want no more rain these next few weeks. Other than that, no interesting stories, nothing special happened. I did read thru the Priesthood talks from the Church conference a few weeks ago - that was good. But my day was pretty slow... and then I had to stay until 1:15 AM, so I played video games, but even that didn't break me out of my hum-drum day. Hopefully tomorrow can be a little more exciting.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Party Bus

Hmm... today wasn't that eventful - I lifted in the morning, hard enough that I'm confident I can hit 250 and get my shirt when I decide to go for it. I also read some more of Meet you in Hell, the story of Carnegie and his right hand man Frick.
This sweet ride was out by the MiGs the other day. I couldn't help but admire it's aerodynamic feel and it's wild rims. As you'll notice, it is the Official Iraqi Party Bus. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Freedom Fighter

I'm smiling, I promise. This was taken today before a really sweet storm sped thru. This was about 3 PM local time, and as you can see, I was ready for the storm. My only fear is that some crazy security guy might shoot at me, but I was OK.
Shortly after I took this, I was waiting for the big storm to hit, and it slammed us pretty hard. I tried to make it back up top, but the rain was a little too intense - it felt like hail on my face. Basically, I wimped out.
That was the highlight of my day. I was smiling and laughing all thru the storm.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Hold em' for God

I was invited to participate in a Texas Hold'em game tonight - entry fee of $10. I decided to go to church instead. I figure God pays better, oh, and it's the right thing to do. If pressed, I was prepared to give my standard, "I only gamble with my life" line. But I didn't. The guys all know I make church a priority on Sundays.
Other than that... well, I'm very sick of the food here - I think I'm probably losing weight I don't mean to lose... I look forward to some real hamburgers and pizza when I get home. Mmm... pizza. Oh, and I'm toying with the idea of a motorcycle. I know, I've toyed with this before. BUT!! Now I have some money, and it would save gas $, and be a lot of fun... So we'll see...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

MiG Alley

So yesterday I tried to post, but these computers...
But, I did get to do something cool yesterday. I got to visit MiG alley. It's kinda like Cadillac Alley near Amarillo TX., for those of you so blessed to know the landmark. Anyway, there were about 10 planes (MiG's are Russian planes, if someone out there hasn't seen Top Gun) all covered with graffiti and stuff. It was pretty sweet. Some of the guys sat in the cockpit - I didn't 'cause I heard this story about how this guy accidently engaged the ejection system doing that, and he went splat. But I had this picture taken because I approve of the message on the plane.
Today, well, nothing wild happened today, unless sitting all the way thru Army of Darkness counts. Or 2 hours in the weight room. I started to watch Daredevil but thought better of it.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Back in style

Starting today at midnight we have to wear our body armor. I'm not sure for how long, and it's kinda annoying, but in truth I'm starting to get used to it. It's still not fun riding the bike with it on, but eh, what ya gonna do... It is the latest style.
Nothing really exciting happened today. I worked out, watched Conan the Barbarian and Batman Begins, you know, just to enrich my life with some good artsy independent films. The other day I watched the end of that indie-movie Revenge of the Sith and nearly cried with Obi-Wan when Darth Vader got burned up. Stirring to the soul.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's all about the shirt

So today I was told of a challenge I think I can achieve before leaving the base. Apparantly the gym gives out t-shirts for different accomplishments. I'm not totally sure what all the different things are, but the one I was told about and the one I'm going for is the 250 pd bench. I think I hit that once about 4 years ago - I really don't remember. But I think I can do it again. It's all about the shirt. I know I'm close, it's just been a long time since I really maxed out. A buddy of mine here thinks I could walk in and do it now, but I dunno. Maybe in a week or two.
In other fun news, I've lost about 4 pounds this week. I think it's mostly because I'm sick of the food. What started off as great food is now worse and worse. I go to breakfast and can barely stuff anything down. I'm not too worried unless I start to lose strength and weight. That would be bad.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

4 weeks

I didn't get to write yesterday, due to the fact that I had to stay at work until 2AM, and that there was a crazy rain storm going on when I did leave. It was comparable to a Texas Thunderstorm, only no thunder. Just lots of lightning. I'm not sure how that works. Maybe Iraqi lightning isn't fast enough for thunder...
But!!! Good news. I found out that I'll be headed home in 4 weeks instead of 8. I'm excited about this. It's a lot less $$, but I'm good on money, plus I still have 3 paychecks coming... So I'll be good to go.
I should be leaving about mid-May. Then I may or may not travel a little on my way home - I'd like to, but it's not quite that easy... Hopefully. Oh, and I just checked a book out from the base library. I know it's about Carnegie and the Steel Strikes like a 100 years ago, but what drew my attention was the title, See you in Hell. Sounds interesting.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Happy Easter! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Easter meal. I also hope that all the eggs and baskets were found and everyone enjoyed Church.
Our Easter meal was nasty. They gave us some nasty looking ham that looked like it had stayed a week or two in the anatomy lab juice, with stuffing that was more like warm paste. Gross.
But, I did teach Sunday School today, so that was good. Then I went to my trailer to have my roommate start tearing into me about the bikes that had been chained up next to our trailer for the past several months, sitting in the rain and dust.
I had told some guys at work about them, and with some bolt cutters they took them. Then we found out they belong to some guys that used to work with us out on the site, and those guys might come back. Anyways, I told my roommate I was sorry we didn't ask before taking the bikes, and that we'd take care of it tomorrow.
He didn't shut up, so I laid into him about how I know a whole lot more about bikes than he does, and leaving a bike in the rain and dirt rusting is a waste, and it tells me the person not only doesn't care about the bike, he's probably too ignorant to merit having a bike. Plus, the owner's in another country indefinitely! Then I said I'd take care of it tomorrow, and turned my back on him. And I will, because unlike a lot of people, when I say I'll do something, I do it.
Oh, I finished this sweet book Shadow Divers. It's about shipwreck diving in the Atlantic. Way good. A true life adventure book.
Happy Easter.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Give me just a night, una noche...

Today it hit 98 degrees. It was pretty hot, but I didn't think we'd jump up that fast. It was 92 yesterday, but we set a Balad record for 98 degrees this early in the year. I don't think the 'records' go back very far, 'cause you know sometime in the past 5000 years that people have been living here it got a lot hotter a lot earlier in the year. Maybe they just count since the American conquest, I mean, liberation. But probably not since Assyria. Probably.
Other than that, I unfortunately had to do some work today - which is a nice way of saying some of my stuff broke and I had to fix it. Luckily I was able to. Though it's still acting weird...
3 points to whoever can name the band I stole the title of this post from.
10 points to whoever comments it in first.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Sweet Jumps

So I worked on my bike some more today. The brakes felt like they were rubbing on the back wheel last night, so I took them completely apart and redid them. It wasn't a perfect job, but the bike rides a whole lot smoother now - and the brakes still work, so I'd give it a thumbs up. I took in airborne a few times, just to make sure it's working right.
One of the GI's said something to me about me, that I thought was a pretty good insight into Ryan's psyche. He said that I'm the kind a guy that will work hours on something small, just because it's bothering me. That's pretty descriptive I think. Says a lot in just a few words...
Oh - and listening to some Alan Jackson today, I learned a great new line: she's alright if she takes a kiss with a little bit of chew. Awsome.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

She ain't half bad

So today I woke up, worked out, ate and got to work by ~ 3PM. My big activities of the day included fixing my flat bike tire and replacing a broken component of my satellite dish. Or rather, watching the GI's replace a component of my dish, and making sure they didn't break anything (they did great.)
Tonight, while 'working' (meaning I was present in case something broke, but actually playing video games) we got 3 'INCOMING' alarms within like 10 seconds, followed by the loudest boom i've heard yet. It was really close - about 150 yards or so. Maybe more like a 100. Anyway, it was close.
Then, when I'm going home, I'm talking with the gate guard, she tells me that they counted somewhere around 17 mortars in that attack alone, plus Unexploded ordinance. Oh, and they gate guard, she didn't look half bad...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

flat tire

So last night riding home in body armor I guess I hit a curb kinda hard with my back tire. Anyway it's flat, leaving me to walking all over. Not a big deal, we have buses and vans and cars. Except for 1 in the morning when I'm trying to get home. After about 20 minutes of waiting for the bus, I decide to hoof it back to my hooch. I then realize, hey, the internet cafe is about to close. So I take off running in my armor, helmet, with a backpack on. Sometimes this fun activity is called rucking.
I made it with about 10 minutes to spare. I heard there were some attacks far away from me today. Nothing close by. I've only seen 1 attack. The rest I've just heard or heard of....
Have a good day.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

In Trouble

So I almost got in trouble today. Unfortunately, no women were involved.
You see, today was the unofficial 'Attack Balad AFB' day. I woke up late from my late night and went to the gym, unaware that there had already been several attacks. While in the gym we went Code Red for 45 minutes. When we got done, I needed to quickly shower and get some food before the chow hall closed. Well, getting to the shower, shaving, and getting back to my trailer took more than 30 minutes, the time we have to call and check in. So someone was sent to look for me. When I did get to work, everybody had to rub in that I hadn't called. Gee, that's great. I'll call in right away next time. Lesson learned.
So apparantly before I got to work at 3PM, they had already had 3 attacks, including that Code Red that held me up 45 min. Then, while I was there, we had about another 4, more or less. Finally, they just decided to make us all wear our body armor - so of course the attacks have stopped.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Late night

Last night I slept 11 hours. It felt really good. The past few days I've kinda had a sore throat - after my 11 hours, I felt great. This also played into the fact that I had to stay at work until a little after 1AM. A wild fun night. Plus, now I'm hungry, but I know I shouldn't eat this late...
Nothing exciting to report today - though I was just told by our Indian (dot) guy running this 'cyber cafe' that they are closing for cleaning, and 'Thank you and have a nice day'. You do likewise.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Today I got frustrated because one of my fellow contractors doesn't EVER shut up. He just talks all day long, saying nothing, or talking about stuff he knows nothing about. I, being the nice guy you all know and love, can't do anything. I especially can't do what I'd like to do and remain a free American citizen. So I just put on my headphones and read a book.
And no, I didn't see Lee. Nor did anyone else I know of for that matter. Too bad. Guy comes all the way over here, and probably like 2 people show up. The fact that the concert was at 2 in the afternoon probably didn't help.
Have a good day.

Friday, April 07, 2006

And I'm Proud to be an American

So tomorrow everybody's favorite musician is coming to Balad Air Base. No, not Barry Manilow. Lee Greenwood. Yeah!!! I can't wait. Lee Greenwood! I'm close to hyperventalation I'm so excited!!!
Unfortunately, I don't think I can go. Hopefully someone will go, even if it's just to see the Patriot Cheerleaders. Shoot, I'd make more of an effort if it was just the Patriot Cheerleaders, sans Lee.
Well, I finished season 3 of '24'. Of the 4 seasons I've seen (1-4), 3 is by far the best. I don't know why. But it's still no Lost. Anyways, I figure I'll get a lot more reading in now... I'm currently reading a non-fiction book entitled Shadowdivers and a sci-fi book Ring.
That's it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

50 days

So today marks 50 days 'In Country'. Hard to believe that much time has gone by. I certainly wouldn't have guessed it... Feels like I just got here. Now, I was supposed to be leaving at 90 days, but I think it'll be somewhere around 105 to 110 days total. Regardless, I'm around halfway done.
Sometimes I feel like my life is pretty boring right now, maybe it's even slightly pathetic how little I actually do. So I decided to list some other exciting events going on right now that in comparison, make me look far from pathetic.

American Idol. If you actually care, you should be hung by your vocal cords.
Opening Day for Pro Baseball. I don't actually like baseball all that much, but I get more satisfaction watching a little league game than a pro game.
The WNBA draft. Women basketball players are wrong in so many ways, I won't even begin.

That's enough ranting. Hope things are well.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I had a Chinook once...

The only really interesting thing today was seeing a Chinook helicopter, followed by an Apache. He was landing at the hospital - I was told that they only use those guys when things are really messed up.
For those unfamiliar with helicopters, a Chinook is a huge twin rotar helicopter. Thing could probably fit a normal helicopter inside it. I know it can fit humvees inside.
Oh, did I mention that the other day I was on top of our bunker, and got buzzed by an Apache? It was pretty sweet. I hear a copter, and all of a sudden I look up, and the thing is moving fast about 20 yards right over my head. It was way cool. That's all.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Cutting logs

So I got a pretty lousy night sleep last night. My trailer-mate Ken snores very LOUD. Driving me nuts. So my new goal is to wear myself out to the point where I no longer hear him. Trouble is, I don't do anything most of the time. I watch '24' and play pool. It's a rough life.
My new goal is to finish '24' season 3. At that point there will be little to nothing left here that I want to see. Maybe an occasional movie. I'm 8 hours in. 16 to go. Then just reading.
The only interesting thing from today is that as I was catching up to go to the chow hall, the GI's placed 2 bets based on me. We'll see how you do.
The first was whether or not I wrestled in high school.
The second was whether or not I do any sort of fighting now.
Answers: 1) No 2) Yes, I do some amateur boxing.
I was just happy that someone thought I looked like I did that stuff.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mud and knives

I woke up this morning to thunder and rain. A lot of rain. Turned everything into a mud pit. Riding the bus instead of my bike added 40 minutes to my commute this morning. Walking home tonight took ~40 minutes thru the mud.
But, my newest toy is a Gerber folding knife. I was hoping for a nicer switchblade knife, but apparently those won't be in until September, so I took this. It's pretty sweet, and it already accidently drew blood. Don't worry, it was mine.
I also had to deal with disappointment - I was hoping to listen to some of conference tonight, but it didn't work out - plus, between leaving work later and the long walk home, I missed the beginning of church. At least I got to go.

So, why are there so many unsolved murders in West Virginia?
The DNA is all the same, and there's no dental records.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fun for the whole Family

So today was pretty uneventful. I finished my book on real estate, watched GI's race rafts made out of waterbottles and duct tape at the newly opened outdoor pool, and attended a pizza party. Then tonight, I'm talking to my parents and explaining that some called this place 'Mortaritaville', but it's really not that bad. Then the Incoming alarm goes off, and I'm like "Hey Mom and Dad, not a big deal. Happens all the time." Then I start hearing the booms, and their REALLY close. I tell them I gotta go. I called em back later. Turns out they landed really close to this bunker shown in the picture, which is about 200 yards away from where I was.
This is actually what I'm referring to when I say bunker. We work out of a concrete aircraft hanger. For security reasons I can't show you mine, but this is the same size. Totally safe from anything the insurgants may have. But still, whatever they hit us with tonight was plenty strong.