Friday, May 05, 2006


So I'm gaining a reputation as a 'go-to' guy out here. The guy to ask if something is busted. The one that is asked about policies and stuff. Kinda nice to be able to help out, and to know that you can get the job done when it needs doin'.
Other than that, my life has been pretty basic the past day or two. I work, sometimes I fix stuff, I read, and I work out. That's it. Today I watched Last of the Mohicans, which always makes for a good day. No crazy alarms or anything.
So, it's become quite the ordeal to not read anything about Lost. Arggh!!! Hopefully I'll be able to catch up before the season finale - if I even get home before the season finale.
I've been told there will be no water tomorrow... I guess we'll see how that goes.

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