Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Cutting Logs

So all day I had a hard time staying awake. First of all, I had to wake up early. But even if I didn't have to wake up early, I probably would've been awake. Which brings me to reason #2 - my roommate was snoring WAY loud last night. Kept me awake half the night. Many of you already know I don't like the man. This probably did not aid that cause. Probably.
Aside from being tired, today was a pretty good day. I read some, I fell asleep reading the Liahona, worked out (it was 95 degrees today - pretty hot for an hour 1/2 workout outside.
Oh, and today marked the first time I had to take immediate cover because of an 'Incoming' alarm. Usually I'm inside the bunker, or close enough I can step inside it. But today I was inside this hut I workout in (there's a heavy bag in there). So I lay on the hut floor next to a wall and covered my head. It blew up a long ways away from me, which is good.

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