Monday, February 13, 2006

2 long days so far

Still not out of the country - getting closer. I think I'm in Delware. Not totally sure, since I've never been in Delaware before, and because it's the middle of the night, but so I've been told. Spent the past 2 days up at Hill in Ogden, UT. Sunday was spent packing the plane until ~12 AM, in 20 degree weather. Lots of fun.
Happy Valentines Day - Hopefully Cupid will score me a date with his Mom when I get back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're getting used to the military-hurry up and wait. ha. happy valentime's day. i'll keep a look out for cupid's mom...though i heard she's a bit on the portly side...and carries a bigger bow and arrow than her hijo.

by the way, if you can figure out who this is i won't be mad at you for going adventuring without me.