Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Provo or Salt Lake

So it was decided today that I'm not going overseas again - at least, not anytime soon. The next major decision for me to make (assuming I don't get into Law School this fall, and at this point it doesn't look like it) is whether or not to move up to Salt Lake, or stay down in Provo.
There's good reasons for both.
Provo: Don't have to move my stuff.
Already have friends here.
Don't have to look for an apartment.
Some family around. Brother Jeff will be back this fall.
Some girls I'm interested in right now live here.
SLC: Much closer to work. Save $ and time.
Fresh start socially.
Women who are older and more focused on dating/marriage?

Basically I'm going to pray about it, and try to feel what's right. It greatly depends on whether or not this girl thing pans out. If not, I might just say Adios to Provo.

1 comment:

jimwraith said...

Ry, there's something to be said for starting fresh. That's what gotta recommend. Provo is great, no doubt. And you probably would not regret staying. But that would entail never knowing what could ahve been as opposed to knowing almost exactly what you'll have for however long you live in Provo. Anythig truly important in Provo won't be completely unavailable to you from Salt Lake...

My two cents...and worth exactly that.

And let me know if you have a spare room in February...I might try and join you after Antarctica...