Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Back Over

So I have several big decisions coming up - primarily, should I go back out into the field. They want me, and I told them I was willing, but now I'm not so sure. Here's a few reasons for my indecision.
1) I've only been home 45 days - and now they want me to go out for another 100? I would really like to be home for a while.
2) Shaky game plan. They haven't decided all the details, so this may be premature, but they don't even know where I'd be going, and exactly how everything would workout isn't decided. It sounds like I might not be living on a base, but rather just in a nearby city - not an opportunity I'd desire in any part of Arabia or thereabouts.
3) Money. It all comes down to the money. At the moment, it sounding like I'd earn almost half as much as I earned in Iraq - NOT COOL. Sure, it's a lot of money anyway - I've been blessed. But right now I don't need the money, and if they want me to go they need to make it worth my while.
4) While my love life ain't the greatest, I think it's getting better, and it certainly won't continue if I go back over.

Basically the only reasons I'd go out again this soon is if A) The money is enough to help me get thru grad school without big debt or B) They really really need me.
Things that would make me tell them to take a hike: dangerous, crappy living, relatively low pay, a girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This girl says stay home for awhile...does that qualify?
Love ya,