Friday, August 06, 2010

Things I love about Lubbock #5: Doin' stuff with Chief

So while I've been here in Lubbock, one of the things I've enjoyed most is getting to know Chief, aka Carl Mortenson. He was in the branch presidency when I moved here, and was released when we became a ward.

Whenever I'm around Chief, I go into sponge mode. Whether it's business, religion, ranching - I just absorb it. I asked him the first month or so I was here if I could just go work on his ranch when I had some time, just to learn - and I'm grateful I did. Rather than go into all the reasons I like and admire Chief, I decided that I would put a few of the nuggets of wisdom I've recorded & learned from Chief.

"You don't own land, land owns you."
"Make it look easy."
"We are rewarded in this life according to the service we render."

Don't subdivide property until you're sure it's going to sell, because the taxes will eliminate profits, and maybe bring a loss.
Always have a backup plan - and don't tell people, and especially the bank, about the backup plan.
Share what you have with others.
In business, beware hiring/working with other mormons. They may feel entitled to something.
Keep a nice car separate from your working truck.
If you're in charge of something, take care of the problems without making management question whether you're up to the task.

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