Friday, October 17, 2008


Last night I suffered the worst insomnia of life. At least that I can remember. I ended up falling asleep sometime around 4:30 AM. I kinda wonder if its my own fault.
  • My 8 AM & 9 AM classes were canceled all week long, so I've been going to bed later and waking up later - but we're talking like an hour shift on each, not 5 hours. I kept the overall amount of sleep the same.
  • I had a coke about 7 PM... but caffeine has never kept me awake 9 hours after I drink it. In fact, I usually feel like I get better sleep if I've had caffeine earlier in the day.
On the other hand, I've been super relaxed this week. After taking the Patent Bar, all my other stuff doesn't seem nearly as rough. Finals will be challenging, and I have a lot of work to do on 2 big papers due in the next 2 months... but my stress level is as low as it's been since before Law School.

So what did I do with my extra couple of hours? I watched some TV, tried to fall asleep, then started doing research for my papers. Yup... good times.

On a separate note, if anyone has been hearing about Joe the Plumber in the news and debates and doesn't understand why, here's the original video.

Who is John Galt?

1 comment:

Physcokity said...

John Galt is my hero