Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Indiana Jones rant

So I've taken some time thinking about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. After pondering it more, I have made up my mind: don't go see this movie. In fact, don't go see anything George Lucas has a hand in making in the past 15 years.

I don't really have a problem with Harrison's acting, the Shia, and I was actually really excited about Karen Allen's return. But I do have serious problems with the plot. Here, let me compare it to something everyone understands: If you liked Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace you will like this movie. Why? Because both were written by the same idiot and both destroy character's and themes we've loved for years. If on the other hand, you thought more of the Phantom Menace than I, I don't know why you're reading my blog but you will like the new Indiana. Who wrote both? George Lucas. (hold up, I'm filled with desire to spit after writing his name. ok, I'm better now)

In my opinion, Stallone should have written this movie. (I'm joking... kind of.) Why? Because Stallone gets the characters he's resurrected. Rocky Balboa was great because it made you remember Rocky, what he was, and then you see what a broken down man he's become, how badly he wants to go out on his terms, and a great fight. Rambo was incredible because it took a killing machine jaded by time and corruption, had a sweet battle, and pulled no punches about what was happening and why. Even Live Free or Die Hard did a good job reviving a character long out of the limelight by giving him a plot equal to previous movies.

George Lucas fails because he thinks we care about some freaky Crystal Skull myth. He doesn't get why the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies rocked. Here the plot stinks, and guess what? As fun as it was to see Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones with no plot stinks. Pop in one of the first 3 movies. Or if you feel like going to the theater, go see Iron Man.


Amy said...

I agree. I skipped the new Star Wars Movies and I'll probably skip this new one too.

I DID hear Iron Man was good and Robert Downey, Jr's not too hard on the eyes so we just might see that one.

ixoj said...

it's not like the crystal skull was any more freaky or weird than the first 3 movies were. i thought the plot was just fine, and about on par with the others.

Unknown said...

I respectfully disagree Kel. While you're right that it's not any more freaky or weird, I see it as different because most people have heard of the Holy Grail & the Ark of the Covenant. Stones that let you rip the heart out of someone? Probably not. But Crystal Alien skulls that give you all knowledge? Nope - never heard of it.

And exactly what was the fear if the Russians did get it? I say Dr. Jones should have just given it to them. They all died anyway when they tried to use it...

jefebarrio said...

Yes, I know that it is easy to agree with my brother, but the more I think about the movie, the more I feel the same way.

Maybe old George was just trying to mix Star Wars fans and Indiana Jones fans along with Men In Black Fans in order to make the super alien film. I mean, who doesn't love mind controlling aliens?