Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm too exhausted and it's too late for me to post much about this. All I can say is that I believe America to be on the slow but sure road to extinction when we refuse to eliminate pedophile rapists. No doubt other people will think its a sign of civilization that we don't kill vermin like this. To those people I reply that you are destroying the morals of this country. But hey, what's that matter. It's not as if declining moral codes ever caused the fall of an empire... oh wait.

I haven't read the entire opinion yet, but from what I have read it seems that the majority's main argument is that social mores have shifted such that killing crap like this would be "cruel and unusual." While the mores may have shifted, I also think such behavior as a Nation is self-destructive and sad.


Anonymous said...

There is some hope for America.,2933,372041,00.html

Methodical Wormer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Physcokity said...

I posted about the same thing and I was disgusted to hear about MA Rep James Fagan. If you thought the court's decision was bad enough...

"Amazingly nobody has thrown this guy out of office in Mass. I don't know why. He said he would destroy the life of a child rape victim on the stand if he was representing the rapist. Quote: I will tear that child apart. I will destroy them at 6. Make them vomit at 8. Make them have nightmares at 12. And by the time they are 19 they will never have a relationship and their life will be ruined."

The Shavers said...

I agree with you Ryry. I think I would pull an "A time to kill" if someone did that to my kid and the death penalty was not allowed. I guess vigilantism didn't cause the Roman empire to fall, right?