Saturday, June 07, 2008

Dirty Harry

So I think I was born just a few years too late to truly appreciate the Dirty Harry movies. Every time one's on, I usually just get bored - a common problem with my generation, but eh... whatever.

Nevertheless, I think Clint Eastwood's a great actor, and while I don't pretend to know much about his politics & lifestyle, what he says in this article resonated with me. Be warned, he uses a foul word or two, but I just love that he says that Spike Lee should "Shut his face." I also like the fact that he disagreed with Arnold about putting a toll road through a National Forest and got booted from the California state park commission. In short, while I don't pretend to know enough to whole-heartedly endorse the man, Clint seems like a guy who sees the world a lot like I see it, so without further adieu the link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also pro-clint.