But work is great - I really enjoyed my first week, and I'm hoping I can really start providing some things of substance in the weeks to come. It's nice to have friends nearby - Jim and Ken have been very willing to drop me off at the metro after going to the movies or what not. And it's nice getting to know DC, and seeing the sights and museums on a daily basis.
On Friday for the 3rd I went to the National Zoo, which was pretty cool. Yesterday for the 4th I hung out with my friend Jenn. We went kayaking in the Potomic, went out to Great Falls, and then watched the fireworks on the National Mall right by the Lincoln memorial. It was amazing! I've never been a big fan of fireworks, but these were incredible.

You don't like fireworks? I think our friendship has been shaken. How can fire, explosions, flames and more fire be a bad thing?
Here's the thing: most of the time, that is ALL of the time, I've only watched fireworks from far away. The closest I can ever remember being was still at least a half mile away. Seeing things blow up from far away is cool, but hasn't ever really done much for me.
They shoot up the fireworks on the National mall between the Washington and Lincoln memorials, so we were at most 1/4 mile away, and could feel the explosions. I think I would have liked them my entire life had we made an effort to actually feel fireworks instead of just seeing them.
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