Sunday, June 28, 2009

Going to DC - part 2

So I am officially in DC, and start my 6 week internship with the Washington Legal Foundation tomorrow. I drove from Dallas to St. Louis on Thursday and spent the evening with my grandmother - we have a very nice visit, and then Friday I drove from St. Louis to DC.

Farm land in Illinois & Indiana has to be the best I've seen in the country - absolutely beautiful. Kentucky was nice - and they drive really fast in West Virginia & Maryland. Thank goodness - it was a 13 hour trip.

A quick story: I stopped for gas in West Virginia at this Exxon in the middle of nowhere. If it hadn't been an Exxon I wouldn't have trusted this place. The pavement ended just beyond the gas station, and continued on as a dirt road covered shade from huge trees. There was a restaurant across the street - the kind that just says 'restaurant.' So while I'm filling up this 70 year old dude comes walking really slow out of the 'restaurant' carrying a case of beer and wearing a flannel shirt. But of course, he only has 1 button buttoned - right next to his belly button. It was spectacular.

Anyway, I'm moved into my place here in Alexandria, VA. It's not the greatest of places, but the rent's cheap & it's only 6 weeks. Today I went to the singles ward here, then drove up to my work to make sure I knew where it was and what I was looking for.


Travis said...

I love the local characters you meet everywhere you go. There's certainly no shortage of them here in the dirty South.

Physcokity said...

With this and the previous day's story about gas station folk. I have to wonder how you picked where to fill up.