Sunday, July 26, 2009

A hard decision

No, I'm not making my blog private. And yes, I'm still going to occasionally put things on it that probably will offend someone.

Instead, I'm publicly committing to the goal of no more sweets (cookies/cake/candy) or food that's bad for me (french fries/ranch/pastries) until after I run the St. George Marathon in October.

There are some exceptions - I can eat whatever I feel like on Saturdays, after my long runs. Also, if someone makes me cookies, or dinner, or I'm on a date and it would be weird not to, I'll do it in moderation.

My biggest weakness on this will be pizza, which is normally fine so long as I limit myself to 2 slices. But I feel like it's time to take my training to the next level in preparation for the race, and I haven't had the most success out here in DC at being regular about my exercising. The diet will (hopefully) compensate.

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