Thursday, April 09, 2009

Lone Survivor

So I've had Lone Survivor sitting on my table for about 4 months now, and just haven't gotten around to it. Friends and family have read it and told me it's awesome, I just haven't gotten around to it.

Anyway, here's an article I saw on Drudge that just makes me feel more for the guy...


Tyler Root said...

I saw his story on Glen Beck. How horrible man. Seriously, how dumb do you have to be to go after "the lone survivors" dog. How messed up in your head do you have to be to kill a dog?

This is why I support our right to bear arms (and yes, I support our right to own rifles and assault rifles). You never know when you're going to come into a situation like this. You may NEVER be faced with anything threatening, but whoever said being prepared was stupid?

By the way, that book was AWESOME. I could not put it down. Probably the quickest book I've ever read because it was so intense and I wanted to see what happened next. I've never been sucked into a book so much.

Unknown said...

As soon as finals are over I'm going to devour the book.

On another note, I figure that since this happened in the middle of Texas, had the Lone Survivor dude capped all 4 of these pieces of crap for killing his dog, there probably wouldn't have even been a trial. The Texans out in the country where this guy lives would probably give him a medal.

t-rav* said...

Lone Survivor is an excellent book. I, like Tyler, ripped through it in parts of two days. Also, if they really give out medals for this kind of stuff in Texas I think the rest of the US should be a little more like Texas.