Friday, March 20, 2009

Makin' Sausage

So what did I do today? I made sausage - from scratch.

We start with pigs & a gun.

Then we gut it and skin it.

Then we chopped it into pieces, took the meat off, ground it up and out came sausage.

It was a different experience. It's been awhile since I had killed & ate anything, and I think it's important to do it sometimes to remember where our food comes from. Now I have a couple packs of sausage in my freezer from a pig I helped slaughter - Pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

Very Nice. How did you end up doing this? Was this in your backyard or on a ranch somewhere?

jefebarrio said...

i can't stop laughing. what kind of hick planet are you from?! i can't believe the guy with the gun just getting ready to kill one. wow.

Unknown said...

Well, the dude with the gun is a real estate developer that does some ranching on the side - he's also in my branch presidency. I actually go out and help him on weekends when I'm not too busy with school.

But he killed all 3 pigs - right 'tween the eyes!

Charity Z said...

I really enjoy NOT knowing where my food comes from...