Saturday, January 31, 2009

Taken to Spanky's

So today, because it was Friday, I decided not to spend the entire day studying. Instead, I actually enjoyed the day.

First, I went to Spanky's burger joint here in Lubbock. Spanky's is one of those places I'd always driven by, and thought "Wonder if it's any good?" It's located right at the 'mouth' of campus, and looked pretty old, so I figured it would be my kind of place. Yup, sho'nuff, it was. Delicious bacon burger with fried cheese... mmm... bacon.

After studying a bit more, I went and saw the movie Taken with Liam Neeson. This movie was sweet. It was exactly what I expected - neither less, nor more. I enjoyed the fact that they didn't butter up the plot any. It was exactly what the trailer promises - a father rescuing his daughter. Awesome.

1 comment:

jimwraith said...

Taken was to my weekend what Ron Burgundy is to Channel 4 news...