Thursday, January 08, 2009

Burn Notice

So I had heard of Burn Notice awhile ago, but never really paid it any attention. I think the reason I had even noticed it in the first place was because the mighty Bruce Campbell is in it. Then I saw an episode once, and laughed my mug off the entire time. I caught another sometime ago, and again, was laughing the entire time.

I ended up watching the entire first season on Hulu, and it was awesome. They've since removed the first season, and added a bunch of the second season, which I've been watching over the past couple days.

What's this show about? An ex-spy who was burned, and wants to find out why, but in the meantime he's quarantined in Miami. So he does odd jobs while figuring out why he was burned.

Why do I love it? Because it gives lessons on how to be a super-spy! For example, two things I've learned from the show

1) How to cross a barb-wire fence: Grab a floor-mat from your car, climb the fence, throw it over the barbs, climb over the mat onto the other side.

2) How to quickly break a pad lock: Use a compressed air duster on the lock. The cold air will basically freeze it. Then hit it with a hammer.

I highly recommend watching this show. I'm considering buying the DVDs, I like it that much.


Whordan said...

Its a great show. I started watching it when it first came out. Pretty entertaining for a cable drama/comedy/adventure show.

jimwraith said...

I just picked up the DVDs based purely on your recommendation. It better be good or so help me...