Sunday, July 13, 2008

Caddo Mills TX

Continuing my account of crappy little Texas towns comes Caddo Mills, TX. I was actually kind of excited to check out Caddo Mills because it's quite a bit bigger than the other towns I've gone through so far. Whereas Nevada and Josephine had basically no stores/businesses in town, Caddo Mills has a nice gas station, a subway, a grocery store, a used car dealership and a small little 'downtown.'

This is a sweet firetruck for sale at the car dealership. I didn't check on the price...

Unfortunately, once I began driving around a little, my hopes for this little town disappeared. This is a crappy little town. I would rather live in Josephine or Nevada. What makes this town crappy is two things.

1) A really trashy side of town, separated by the main road from a nice-er side of town. I wouldn't really call it nice. Decent maybe? Houses on both sides are run down, weeds growing everywhere, and everything needs a new coat of paint. What distinguishes the nicer side from the trashy side is the use of brick on the nice side. Wooden houses, or aluminum trailers, just don't hold up without constant care.

2) A dilapidated downtown. This was just gross and severly disappointing.
It looks OK from here. But once I got even with the buildings they were all closed and in severe disrepair.

So what did this little drive teach me? That having more people in your town doesn't make a lick of difference in the quality of the town. Some people make it a priority to take care of their town, some people don't.

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