Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gateway to the West

So for Thanksgiving I went to my Grandmother's house in St. Louis. I had a blast, got to see not only my immediate family but also some cousins I don't see very often, and all their kids. It was a lot of fun playing with the newest great-grandchildren, eating, sleeping, and eating some more.

On Friday my parents, brother and sister and I went to the St. Louis Arch. I had been once like 15 years ago, and I think if I don't go again for 15 years I'll be OK. Maybe 30.
The Arch itself is beautiful, and a very nice monument to Jefferson and the westward expansion that used St. Louis as a starting point. I think the park at the base of the monument is much nicer than going to the top, but I figure it's just something that has to be done.


Anonymous said...

sweet pic. did you take it?

Unknown said...

I did. At like 7 AM on my way to the airport...

Tyler Root said...

Cool. I'm almost done reading "Undaunted Courage" and since I've started it, I've wanted to go see the arch in St. Louis.

I don't know much about it, you said you can go to the top of it??? That would be kind of cool.

Does the arch go across the river? Or is it just arched over a stretch of land?

You going to the LV Bowl game??

Unknown said...

I read that book, it was pretty sweet... Right down by the arch is a statue of Lewis and Clark returning.
The arch is just over land, right next to the river. Like I said, the park around the arch is the nicest part (I think...)
Sadly, no LV bowl for me. I leave for Dallas for XMas the next day... Go Cougs!