Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I've decided that there are as many ways to teach as there are people in the world. I don't think its any surprise to anyone reading this that most people generally annoy me, so I guess its really no surprise that most of their teaching styles annoy me as well. Between law school and church I feel like lately I've seen quite a variety of teachers, so here some descriptions of teachers that drive me crazy.

The Preacher
Gets up and tells everyone, in a loud voice and with much energy, how they know what's right and insinuate that everyone should be more like them.

The Used Car Salesman
You feel like slime after talking to them. Uses poor analogies, doesn't really pay attention to what the audience is saying, but really wants to get his point across.

The not-quite Spiritual Giant
Trying to be so spiritual that you fall asleep listening to their monotony. Jokes are prohibited here, as is any practicality.

The Bum
Didn't actually prepare the lesson, so you read out of the textbook/manual the entire time. Questions are generic, and you feel like you could have used your time better by staring at a wall.

Rather than telling you how it is, they ask you questions to see if you already know how it is. Really great method, especially if you don't like to teach.

OK, so I wrote this after I just got done with a class where the professor drives me crazy, and my mood probably dictated the tone of this post. Still, his teaching style is the absolute worse I ever seen in a classroom. It's not uncommon for him to speak absolute rubish for 50 minutes straight without asking or answering any questions, and in some cases providing incorrect/misleading information. He drives me absolutely nuts. Just a complete waste of my time.


ixoj said...

Just out of curiosity, where would you fall in your classification of teachers?

Is there category for eccentric but knowledgeable?

Unknown said...

Well, I guess I should start off by saying that these are just some of the teachers that drive me nuts - I've had some excellent teachers, and I'm guessing that I (like most people) try to emulate those I learn the most from.

My most recent favorite teacher, who I'm probably trying to teach like these days, is a Quaker Tax Attorney. So that's what I'd claim.

Powell said...

You know what they say about teachers. Those who can't do, teach; and those who can't teach, teach gym. (No offense ixoj).