Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So I think I have a summer job

So I've heard back from L3 Corporate that they'll be making me an offer for a summer internship in Dallas. Hopefully I'll get to do some traveling with the job too... but it sounds like it's gonna be paid and for the entire summer, so that'll be good. Plus, it's dealing with intellectual property, so it'll be great experience for my eventual career.

I'm pretty lucky on this - yeah, I've been working on doing this pretty much since last August, so it didn't just happen overnight or out of the blue, but most first year law students struggle to find a job, much less a paying one in the field they're going into.

My other option was to be a field engineer for the summer, possibly go to Iraq or Afghanistan & make tons of money. This will be a more lasting influence - when I was a teenager I remember I had the opportunity to dig swimming pools one summer or make a lot less money in an air conditioned lab doing electrical engineering stuff. In the long run the EE stuff made me way more money, and I think this will be pretty much the same deal.
Hopefully it all works out...


jimwraith said...

I hope it works out long as you can still Halo...

The Shavers said...

Sweet Ginger Brown. That's cool.