Friday, December 28, 2007


So after work today I went and checked out an old estate called Wormsloe from the original colony. There wasn't much left of the original buildings other than a few old walls. But, I did learn a few things about Georgia. I'll take them point by point.

1) These woods make for easy walking about, but they're freaky because all the birds make a ton of noise above you, and are constantly knocking stuff about, so I kept thinking someone was walking nearby, only there was nobody there.

2) So when people moved here 200 years ago, if they were lucky enough to get a land grant, and could afford the labor, they could really make some sweet landscapes. This was way cool, closer to the vision of Georgia I had in my mind before coming here.

3) Problem is, 200 years ago, much like today, there was incredible disparity of wealth in Georgia. Most people didn't get big land grants, and even if they did they couldn't clear the land. So they stayed poor. While touring a museum I came across this little treasure.

4) Then Georgia actually was such a failure that it had to surrender it's charter back to the King. This means that it couldn't sustain itself, so went back under the King's control and became royal colony.

So what did we learn? That unless you have money, Georgia sucks. It's always sucked for poor people, and still does.

1 comment:

Ken Leek said...

That sounds pretty sweet. When I was in Bama there was a lot of cool sites like that there, so i's know what your talking about.