Sunday, October 21, 2007

Trip to Dallas

So I traveled home to Dallas on Friday, then back today (Sunday). It was nice to go home for a day and a half. Good to spend time with my Dad working out, helping my Mom with the yard work, and my sister Staci with her Calculus.
Also, it was nice to see my home again - my parents are moving soon to a brand new house nearby, but this was the house we've lived in for the past 20 years. It's always been Home, and I wanted to see it one last time before we're moving everything out (i.e., how Ryan's spending Thanksgiving). Anyway, sob sob, here's the house I grew up in.
Two other things:
1) There are BIG bugs that like to smash into your windshield during Cotton Harvest in West Texas. Here's a pic I took at 70 mph of the cotton fields.

2) Look who I ran into!


Anonymous said...

Anyone for corn tortillas with butter? I was tempted tonight.

Unknown said...

I think I just threw up a little... yup, did.

Though if you fried up a corn tortilla with a little butter on a skillet for 5 or 10 minutes, you might have me tempted.

Tyler Root said...

Nice to see you representing the Y to Santa.