Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This weeks Aspirations

So I've determined that next Wednesday I'm going country dancing. Once upon a time I went often - it's been a long time though. Hopefully I'll get a date - but if not I'll just go stag. Good clean fun.
Also, this Saturday I'm going to participate in the BYU football team's ECO-challenge. I'm not sure of everything that will be involved just yet, but it's going to be intense. They had a short 'screening' before they would let me sign up. There's a meeting about it on Friday that I'm going to - should learn more then.
I had been hoping this weekend to visit with my Grandmother while she's in Colorado, but I'd have to drive all the way to Colorado Springs, only to turn right back around. So ECO-challenge it is.
Hopefully afterword I can find some young las to heal my wounds...

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