Sunday, May 23, 2010

Big Bend

After 3 years of law school, I finally took a weekend and went to Big Bend. I decided that while I may be short on time/money, this was the one and only opportunity I would have for a long time in the foreseeable future to go.

It took about 6 hours to get there...
Shortly after setting up my tent, a micro-storm came in. Rain, hail, lightening, all blowing my little camp away. After the storm it dried out pretty quick, but the rain remained. After trying to tie down my tent, I decided to just sleep in the bed of my truck. There was a thunderstorm just over the ridge all night, so the thunder/wind/full moon kept me kinda awake, but I figured it was still better than trying to keep a tent from caving in all night.

The next day I went and hiked Cattail Falls, a hike not quite 'on the map.'

Then I drove the 'River Road' - a dirt road that borders the Rio Grande. It took about 4 hours, and wasn't nearly as exciting as I was hoping. In part because there were only a few views of the river, in part because I was driving, slow, by myself, for about 4 hours.

But I saw the river, had a good time, and could see old Mexico. It was pretty cool. Of course, the air temp on the road when I was driving? About 110.

Then I ate some dinner at the lodge restaurant, and watched the sunset near my camp in the mountain basin.
Slept again in the back of my truck. When I woke up in the middle of the night, the moon had set and the stars were out in fine fashion. Slept until dawn, then took a different route home through Alpine and Ft. Davis. I've decided that these towns, in particular Alpine, have to be some of the prettiest towns I've ever seen in TX. As in, I would actually want to live in them.

I also passed through this town, whose name I couldn't figure out how to pronounce.
I finally decided it rhymes with 'diarrhea.' Notice this didn't make my list of places I'd want to live.

All in all, it was really a great trip. I enjoyed getting down there, and it was worth the wait. Considering the task before me (the bar) I'm glad I took 3 days off. Big Bend was beautiful, and considering how far away it is from anything it's quite possible I'll never return.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Glad you took some down time before Barbri. I hope you had fun on your trip. I have taken several trips by myself and I have quite enjoyed them.