Friday, May 01, 2009

Let me tell you about Heroes

So 3 years ago Heroes premiered on NBC. I didn't watch it, but my roommate at the time Jim had them on his iPod, and eventually got Ken and I to sit down and watch the first season. It was great - kinda like the X-Men, but maybe a little more realistic.

Then the first season finale aired... and it sucked. It was horrible. And that same degree of horrible writing has continued to date. I stuck with the show despite a horrific season 2, and despite wanting to stop watching I watched season 3 (I promised a friend I would stick with it).

Now - I'm done. The show is horrible. While they once had a sweet show, they've ruined it. I don't even know how to describe my level of disgust with these writers, and I'm not going to take the time right now to list all the ridiculous examples of why this show now sucks. Maybe I should start such a list...

Anyway, it seems that so often the shows we like are taken off the air too early and we're left wanting more - but this is the opposite. I'm left wanting less.


Tyler Root said...

I never did get into that show. The only show I've followed from day one is Lost. Thank goodness for a DVR that allows me to do that.

I'm glad to know your opinion on Hero's. I always kind of wondered what I was missing out on, but I like your taste and trust your opinion, so I feel better knowing I don't need to worry about it much.

Physcokity said...

I liked it originally for the same reasons, but after the writer's strike the plot lines were just so craptastic that I gave up on it.