Saturday, May 30, 2009


Tonight after watching the ballgame via ESPN360 (I don't have cable), I realized it was Jay Leno's last night on the Tonight Show. He's been on for 17 years, and it was a pretty amazing last show. I missed the very beginning, and I thought Conan talked a little too much when he was on, but the last 20 minutes were excellent.

James Taylor was on - he played an acoustic version of Sweet Baby James, and then Jay gave his closing. I thought it was a really good way to go out - he did it with a lot of class, and two things he finished with stood out to me:

1) He brought out the kids born to the Tonight Show crew over his 17 years - and said that they were his legacy. Jay doesn't have any children... so I think this is probably even more true than many viewers may have realized at the time.

2) He said that he was "Leaving with the same woman he came in with." Not too many people in Hollywood can say that these days, but Jay seems to do things the right way despite being in an environment where others would accept inappropriate behavior.

Anyway, those are my thoughts after watching a really good man saying goodbye tonight.


t-rav* said...

What do you think about the future of the late night 10:30/11:30 comedy shows? I watch Leno or Letterman once every 6 months or so and just don't really think they're that funny anymore. Maybe it's just me, but the whole setup of the show just seems a little outdated.

Unknown said...

I think the future of TV is in for a real shock - I don't envision myself ever paying for cable again, not when I can see everything through the internet.

I don't mind the format so much as I do the scripted nature of the interviews.