So I took the last test of my first year in Law School today. Phew. Only 2 more years to go. Luckily, I get to spend the summer relaxing at my parents, sorta.
You see, while I'm in Dallas I'll be working in Greenville, which is about 40 miles away, so a nice 45 min - 1 hour commute each way.
Plus, the next two weeks every spare minute should be spent on my 'Journal Packet'. This is the Law School crap that professors use as sounding boards for their theories - if I do well on this packet I'll have the privilege of editing some professor's hot air, or maybe have the chance to write some of my own. For some reason people care about this crap, so I guess I will too. Why? Because I want to be a lemming, that's why.
Plus, after the Journal packet is done, that leaves me with 10-11 weeks to study for the Patent Bar. This is so I can officially submit things before the U.S. Patent office. Anyone with a scientific background can take this, but I figure getting it done with now will probably help me get a job someday. They say I need to dedicate at least 150 hours to this. I plan on doing at least that since it has a 50% pass rate.
So life's going to be busy this summer, but at least I get Momma's cooking!