Monday, January 21, 2008

My day off

So to celebrate the greatness of Martin Luther King Jr. day, I took off with my friend Jenny and went to Caprock Canyon state park kinda up near Amarillo. It turned out to be quite the adventure...

First there was the boar. That's right, a boar! Who sees road kill boar while driving around west Texas? And who stops, turns around, and takes a picture of it? Me, that's who. At first I thought it might be a dog, or a monster armadillo. Nope, just a giant, dead boar. Weird.

Then we got to Caprock Canyon. This place was sweet - especially for Texas. It looked a lot like Moab, UT. Red cliffs, scrub vegetation, actual hills. For being in the middle of Texas, totally unexpected. Did some hiking, and saw some dirty buffalo. For those unfamiliar - I hate buffalo. I'm totally sympathetic with the buffalo hunters of the 1800s that almost wiped them out. Luckily, these buffalo were pretty tame.

Also, on both the way in and out we visited the metropolis of Turkey, TX. Grabbed the picture above while 'downtown.' Turkey was a pretty sweet town. As in, 'Fun to visit for about 3 minutes.' But, while filling up my gas tank there I almost saw these guys drop some big metal thang off the roof. I actually sat at the gas station for a few minutes watching them. Yes, I am white trash.

1 comment:

jimwraith said...

Ry, you turn even the most mundane gas station into a cherished slice of Americana. Way to be!