Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Coastal Empire

So tomorrow I fly back to Lubbock to begin the new semester. So long Savannah.
This part of the country calls itself The Coastal Empire. Seems kinda pretentious, but whatever.

So this morning I went to 2 places I absolutely recommend for anyone visiting Savannah. The first place is The Atlantic Ocean at dawn. Watching the sunrise over the Atlantic isn't quite as convenient as watching the sunset over the Pacific, but the feeling of seeing the sun in a blue sky while enduring the cold morning breeze was still incredible.

The 2nd place was Bonaventure Cemetery. This cemetery was made famous by the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which I haven't seen yet, but I am reading the book. What I found amazing about this cemetery is that it feels like a real cemetery, it has an old world feel to it - and unlike modern cemeteries they can't just drive a lawnmower about to clean it up. I went near dawn, and it was empty, but I think going at dusk would be creepy beyond belief.

When I first got to Savannah I was a little frustrated to be here - but the longer I'm here the more I keep finding to do. Maybe the amount of things one finds to do in a place is directly tied to A) How much time they have to find the things to do and B) Effort they put forth to find things to do. If I put forth a little more time and effort in Lubbock, maybe there won't be tons of outdoorsy stuff to do, but I could find more to do than I have.

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