Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In Zion

So life has been crazy busy the past few days. This past I went to Zion National Park with some friends from Salt Lake. On Friday I hiked the infamous Angels Landing hike, where you go up this narrow spine several thousand feet in the air. They have chains to help you not fall off and die, for which I was very grateful. I also saw the IMAX film Shackleton's Antartic Adventure. Awesome. Incredible. Then hiked to an overlook called the observation pt.

That night we all met up, then drove to this cow pasture where we spent the night. It rained off and on thru the night, which since I didn't have a tent sent me scurrying into a car at 3:30AM. Then we woke up and hiked the narrows.

Now, I realize that not everyone is quite the outdoors enthusiast that I am - and that's OK. However, regardless of what you're doing in life, you should be prepared both mentally and physically. Some of the people that came to hike the Narrows with us were not prepared, and it wasn't fun dealing with them. We eventually convinced 2 to head back to the trailhead, and things got a lot better from there.

The Narrows was sweet. Doing it in 1 day (16 miles in water) was tough. But it was definitely one of the most prized hikes I've ever done in my life. Beautiful, challenging, and fun.

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