Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dirty Snake

Yesterday I stepped on a snake.  It was a little baby garden snake, nothing too big, and certainly not a rattler (I live in DC, not the west, so the thought of a dangerous snake seems almost laughable...).  It happened while T-Rav* and I were hiking on the Appalachian trail just outside of Harper's Ferry.  We had hiked out to a nice cabin that Trav had heard about, made some raman noodles and ate lunch,
met some weirdos, and were headed back to the car when I saw the snake about a 1/4 second before my foot landed on it.  I said "snake" just then, followed by "SNAKE!" as the little fella coiled up and tried to bite my leg.  Luckily I had jeans on, so no biting occurred, but both Trav and I were jumping down the trail for a second.  Plenty of laughs followed.
We got back to the car, went in to Harper's Ferry, explored a little bit, got some funnel cake, and came back into town by about 3PM.   

It was a little chilly, especially before the sun really came out and we were hiking up the backside of the hill (mountain? seems a little small for a mountain...), but it felt good to be out in the crisp clean air and hiking uphill for a ways.

1 comment:

Matt and Kimbre said...

Snakes serve no valuable purpose in life. I'm sure T-Rav told stories of the glory days from yesteryear and scaring me on a regular basis with shouts of "Snake!"