Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Injured Shoulder

So a week ago yesterday, I hurt myself doing Crossfit for the first time in 2 1/2 years of doing it.  Oh sure, there have been times where I was sore, where I could tell my form sucked and I needed to stop, or I wasn't sure what I was doing and I backed off.  But I haven't actually been injured.

I think the last time I was actually injured was about 2 1/2 years ago when I ran the St. George Marathon.  I developed plantar fascias in my right foot, which took a long time to cure (thanks Merrell running shoes!). 

I hurt my shoulder, somehow, doing a workout called Helen.  3 rounds of a 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings w/ a 53# weight, and 12 pullups.   I think it was the KB swings that did it, and now I have rotator cuff issues...

This comes at a bad time.  I've been prepping to participate in the CrossFit Open, which starts in 3 weeks.  But today I read this article about training through injury, and I'm going to continue to get ready as best I can in the next 3 weeks.  My goal with the Open is to compete and finish as strong as I can... I know I'm not at a point where I can realistically compete, but compared to where I was a year ago I've come a long way.  And maybe in a year I won't injure my shoulder right before the competition.

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