Sunday, June 27, 2010


So there's this sweet NY Times article that I started reading... but it's 5 parts. And they're not linked right. So I decided to post the links right here, so when I get around to reading the other links I can find them.

Based on only the first part that I've read so far, I would highly recommend reading it. It discusses people who are too dumb to know they're dumb - and if there's every something I would want to read, it would be "How to find out if I'm a moron." So here the links.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Kirk said...

Looks interesting. I'll give it a read, when I get a chance.

FYI, Safari 5 puts multi-part articles like that together in very readable format. Here is the entire article in one PDF:

Unknown said...

Parts 1 & 5 are worth reading.

Kirk, thanks for the .pdf - Using Safari would violate my ban of Apple products. Maybe someday I'll get an iPhone, but in the meantime I limit all things apple in my life to quicktime.

Patty Fingers said...

I'm going to link this to my blog. So far I love it!