Sunday, November 15, 2009

Observing People

So lately I've become even more intent on observing people - unfortunately it's partially due to necessity. You see, while crappy drivers exist in every locale, here in Lubbock they specialize in 2 very special driving maneuvers:
(1) The "I'm from the farm and don't drive faster than 35 mph, ever." Really not that bad, so long as you can get around them.
(2) The more dangerous "Turn off the road from the middle lane". It's become so commonplace I pretty much expect it now. Last week I personally witnessed this at least 5 times. It's scary because if they do it when you're too close you have a T-bone.

Anyway, I just think its sad when you come to expect people to do something dumb that could really injure people.

Another observation: Why can't 'express lanes' at the grocery store prohibit check writing? Cash or plastic only I say. I'd also be in favor of a test prior to people being allowed to use the express lanes.

Oh, here's another observation: I'm not the most sympathetic person, but I do feel bad for handicap people. I have ZERO sympathy for people that are so overweight they require a motorized cart to get around, but can still walk when they have to use the bathroom. Or when they need to reach something up high. I mean, can't we just outlaw carts unless you're really handicapped? Can we tax these people extra, for being a burden on normal people?

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