Sunday, February 03, 2008


It's 6 AM on Sunday morning, and I'm exhausted. I have no idea why I woke up - this sucks. But, on a good note, I turned on the TV and while surfing my 6 english channels and 2 spanish channels I came across one showing a hispanic music video that looked like it was from 1980. Intrigued, I started listening to it, and remembered the voice as a younger Shakira (on my mission, EVERYONE blared Shakira from their houses, so walking the Argentine streets everyday for 2 years led to memorization of her first big album...Donde estan los Ladrones).

So, if you can't tell from my even-more-than-usual circular story telling, I'm exhausted, but this video looks 80s, maybe early 90s old, and definitely not modern-shakira-esque, so I'm intrigued. Turns out it was a video made in 2005 - how have I never heard of this song? Or seen this amazing video shot for ~$10? (that's my estimated cost of some nasty purple wigs and saran wrap). I have a feeling that if you read this far, you should probably check out this awesome video, while I go back to bed.

1 comment:

jimwraith said... classy...