Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas and such

Christmas was great - family, friends, lots of not-so-productive time. A few quick thoughts from over Christmas...

Rocky Balboa was worth the wait. Frickin' sweet, you know, if you love freedom. That said, it could have been better, but it was still sweet.
The Guardian was surprisingly good. I wasn't too sure about it going in, but it rocked.

Sitting on the plane for an extra 2 1/2 hours yesterday trying to get back to Utah wasn't fun, but those Texas thunderstorms sure are impressive.

Having a nephew is great.

This video by my friend Dan was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Good job Dan.

Oh, and whoever provided the funding to make Church Ball shoot be hurt.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the Rocky. I've also seen Invincible, We are Marshall, Cars, and some Clint Eastwoods while I've been here and I'd recommend them all.

jimwraith said...

I was pleasantly surprised by The Guardian as well. It was a little too long and had maybe a few too many endings, but overall far better than I anticipated. And a great advertisement for a job I never want...

Tyler Root said...

Too bad you missed that Bowl game. It was fun.

I swore I'd never see the Guardian, but if a manly person such as yourself will watch it, I may give it a try.

Hey, if you liked that video by Dan, you may like mine too. While I'd admit that Dan is more believable singing it, my guitar solo work is second to none :-).