Monday, January 02, 2012

Bring it Mayans

So... its 2012!? Weird, huh?

So I was reading something somewhere... I don't remember where, about the difference between goals and resolutions, and how at this time of year lots of people state resolutions as goals and goals as resolutions. So this thing I was reading stated that goals are definable objectives - "I want to run a marathon" "I want to lose 30 pounds" "I want to go to Egypt", whereas resolutions are less quantifiable - "I want to be nicer" "I want to eat more candy" "I want to watch less TV".

While I have some goals posted for this next year of life posted next to the light switch in my room, one of my resolutions is to be more adventurous this next year.  I want to get back in the habit of seeing America, of going unique places, and getting outside the DC beltway.  This (hopefully) will similarly result in increased blog postings about the fun things I'm doing here, and the things happening in my life.

On that note, I updated the blog for the first time in about 3 years.  I wanted to take advantage of the new Blogger posting options, and since I had heavily modified customizing my previous template (which was based on the original template from 7 years ago) I was afraid I might break something without switching.  Hopefully it looks and feels like something I would be posting to, but I imagine further modifications will come about soon.


Little Lisa said...

The blog looks good, Ryan!

My personal goal for 2012: be doing multiple, unassisted kipping pull-ups.

Follow up with me in six months and see how I'm doing, will ya?

Unknown said...

Will do!
Among my goals for this year: 10 muscle-ups in a row. Currently at 2...