Monday, September 19, 2011


Last month I had some big news - the firm I've been working with as a contractor hired me on as a full-time associate! Ironically, it was a year to the day that I had moved into my current house. It was a hard year, well... it was a hard 4 years giving up my job in Salt Lake, moving to Lubbock, graduating without a job, moving to a new city with barely any money, and just working and trying to meet people and get my name out there.

But I feel led to where I'm at. The partner I work under is an LDS Bishop. The founding partners of the firm both went to Texas Tech Law. The work is good, the opportunities are good, and people are asking me to do more and more. The work I did before finding this firm, patent research, is paying off in the work I'm doing now. I'm grateful for the time I did that.

Here's my work profile page: Ryan T. Ward

Understandably, I'll probably try not to put anything too inflammatory on this blog - no reason to burn bridges - though links to Economic pieces may continue. I do hope, however, that having this job will allow me to afford to do more adventure stuff than I've been doing. I feel like when I was in the Utahs every week, and sometimes every day, was an adventure, and that's been lacking. I'm hoping I can do a little more exploring and see some stuff now that I have a job.